Harness creativity as your greatest business asset | Jen Aly
As a former student and teacher, Jen addresses how traditional education was created to train employees instead of entrepreneurs.
The programing in school such as conformity, obedience, punishment for mistakes, focusing on testing, etc. blocks creativity and reduces student’s capacity to take risks, be innovative, and to express themselves fully. If you’re seeking a creative life, unlearning this programming and reclaiming the power of your creativity is key. Shifting the mindset empowers creative entrepreneurs to harness their creativity to thrive in business. By leading with vision and the creative process, creative entrepreneurs are emboldened to stretch and grow into challenging areas of business that they may find less comfortable such as finance and marketing.
Jen Aly is a bridge between the financial and business world and artists andcreatives. For the past 20 years, it has been her passion to help people reclaim and harness the creative process to succeed. Today that translates into supporting creatives to succeed in the business world by supporting them to apply business skills in a way that leverages their genius.
A creative herself, she bootstrapped an Asheville-based jewelry design business that has grown every year since its start in 2013. A coach since 2003, Jen is committed to empowering creatives to thrive in expression, money, and business via coaching, workshops, and community programs. Learn more at JenAlyCoaching.com.