
Music can help us understand peace and conflict | David LaMotte

Listening, practice, interrupting the script and striving for harmony (rather than unity) are just a few examples. At the peak of an 18-year career as an internationally-touring musician, David LaMotte quit playing music publicly from 2008-2010 in order to pursue a master's degree in Peace and Conflict Resolution in Australia, accepting a Rotary World Peace Fellowship in order to do so. These days, about half of his work is performing, and the other half is traveling, learning, speaking and leading workshops around the world.

LaMotte served on the AFSC Nobel Peace Prize Nominating Task Group, is a consultant on Peace and Justice issues for the NC Council of Churches, founded the non-profit, PEG Partners, in Guatemala and has written 2 books that address justice and peace work. LaMotte has traveled to conflict zones around the world (Bosnia, Belfast, Bethlehem, etc.) to engage in conflict work, teach, and learn from front lines peacemakers.


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